Support for flood affected Northland communities

  • Hon Peeni Henare
Civil Defence

The Government has put $30,000 towards a Mayoral Relief Fund to support communities impacted by the recent flooding in Northland, the Civil Defence Minister, Peeni Henare announced today.

“I was in Moerewa and Whangarei yesterday where I met with leaders and saw first-hand the extent of the damage.

“Damage assessments are still underway so it is too early to know the full cost of the damage, however this money will help communities get back on their feet” Peeni Henare said.

Mayoral Relief Funds provide an additional way to help communities bounce back after an emergency. Local communities and councils are well-placed to know exactly what they need so this funding can be used, for example, to meet the needs of affected families and individuals, community organisations or marae.

“Other initial support has also been arranged. Skip bins will be delivered to Whangarei and Moerewa so that residents can dispose of water-damaged household goods.

“Civil Defence Emergency Management will also arrange for septic tanks to be pumped in Moerewa once the ground has dried out.

“This is a very challenging time for the community but I’m proud of how well they have responded and supported each other during this tough time.

“We will stay in contact with local councils to see what further assistance may be needed as site assessments are completed in the coming days.

“I am also advised that most local roads have reopened with some traffic management, but that SH1 Mangamuka Gorge is currently closed due to eight slips including a major slip located at the top of the gorge and four major under slips. An alternate route north via SH10 takes about an additional 10-15 mins travel time. Site assessments are taking place again today to better understand the size and scale of the damage.

“I want to thank the local community leaders, Civil Defence, MSD, MPI and Rural Support Trusts who are on the ground providing support,” said Peeni Henare.