Maungakiekie Women's Forum Dinner

  • Deborah Morris
Youth Affairs

Otahuhu Town Hall, 10 High St, Maungakiekie

Good evening, and thank you for the invitation to speak here tonight. Its a great pleasure to have been asked.

Personal info (ad lib)

How I got where I am today
Obstacles and opportunities
Words of advice for any women contemplating a political career.
What attracted me to NZ First
I take great pride in being one of the youngest MPs in the new Parliament and the youngest ever Minister of the Crown. It has been a sudden and dramatic path from university student to parliamentary researcher which led me to the unique opportunity of involvement in the Coalition negotiations ... and now, Minister of Youth Affairs.

You may have read of my consternation about always having my age quoted whenever I say anything.

If the media had its way, I'd preface everything I say to you this evening with .... remember, I'm 26, comma, and this is what I've got to say.

Anyway, the role of Minister of Youth Affairs is an exciting one, and one designed to increase the participation of young people, and also to ensure that Government policies are focused on the issues for young people.

I'd like to think that I am fairly "switched on" to the needs, desires and aspirations of young people. And one thing I'm very aware of is the need to avoid putting all young people into one single group. There are dangers inherent in labelling us as one clear social group, and attaching a stereo-typical image.

Young people are too diverse for that. Let me paint a picture.

Some young people feel alienated from the rest of society and their sense of self worth isn't always strong. Some of that has to do with the biological processes of growing up, but it can also be attributed to a number of other factors. Access to information, access to trustworthy confidants, a lack of pride in ones culture, for example.

Add to that the fact that our parents are probably working harder and longer hours than ever before, the world is increasingly competitive and we don't quite match those, "beautiful people" we see on TV and in films.

The result? A crisis of perception. Where do we fit in this world? Are we worthwhile? And who cares anyway?

In contrast, there are some young people who appear overly confident. They're up with play, thriving at school or in work and having a blast of a time socially.

Those people still have the occasional moment of self-doubt but on the whole, they seem ok.

So, young people can fit anywhere in that spectrum. They might have body piercings, op shop clothes, designer labels, dreadlocks or a shaved head. Who knows? They are enormously diverse.

So let's accept them for who they are, believe in them and encourage them to grow into the adults they want to be.

As I've grown in recent years I've discovered that my sense of self worth and comfort with who Deborah Morris is, has developed. But, it has really only been in the years 23 - 26.

The years prior to that were tumultuous.

Let's recognise that it's no simple thing being young, but it can also be a lot of fun - so long as you stay safe.

The media portrayal of young people is staggering. It's hugely negative - the affect of it is that it perpetuates the image of young louts, it puts the focus on crime, and eventually older New Zealanders begin to feel intimidated by us.

So, why have I mentioned these things today?

Because I see it as my responsibility to begin addressing the perception of young people, to put the focus on the positive stuff while also being brave enough to acknowledge and address the negative.

I must effectively represent young people in Parliament and Cabinet.

Often young people and women are clumped together in the "too hard" basket - or they become an after thought when trying to rectify a policy that fails to appreciate diversity.

Many would declare young people to be a nuisance. Similarly, earlier this century many people claimed that women were a nuisance. Many still do!! I think being a nuisance can be great.

Young people do have a positive role to play in our communities. But how often do we give them a say in it? Its not that they arent capable of having a say, of contributing, of participating, of taking responsibility.

We often just dont give them a chance. As a new MP and a young Minister I want to change that.

My vision In my maiden speech I referred to my position as a list MP, and how I dont have a physical constituency. I want my constituency to be our young people.

In particular I am concerned about those teenagers and young adults who do not feel a part of the political process ... nor have had a voice to represent them in the House.

We must recognise that learning differs greatly from instruction. Learning is about having the opportunity to experience something and then to use that knowledge when handling difficult situations.

So, we cant "just do things" for young people. We need to help them to do it for themselves.

The youth of the 1960s ushered in fundamental societal changes ... the anti-War, environmental and feminist lobbies of the 1960s and 1970s sprang from our youth and produced far-ranging reforms within our society.

In the 1990's, political apathy is the curse of the young. They don't get involved, so Parliament ignores them, so they feel disenchanted, and on it goes. I have described it as a "cynical distaste" of the process and the politicians. We're not the heroes anymore. So how about making the young people the heroes?

What if we gave them the opportunity to take an active interest in their own communities - through youth councils and the like - so that they can be a part of the decision making process - they can express their views and concerns and get some action.

We need to foster environments of ownership in our communities, especially in communities of interest, like women and young people.

The recent drive, both in politics and in the commercial market, for individualism has many positive aspects. However, individualism is not the answer to everything. We must ensure that all young people are supported, and encouraged to achieve their personal goals. In fact, some need to be encouraged to even set goals. This needs to be achieved in tandem with the goals and values of their community, whether that be a community of interest or locality.

I put it to you that strong individuals can work together in the interests of strong community. The two are not mutually exclusive.

In that context it is vital that we ensure young people are equipped with the appropriate skills, ready to tackle the future in front of them. It's about much more than is provided in the formal education structure, it is about ensuring that every young person is empowered to the best of their abilities.

I see that as part of the role of the Ministry of Youth Affair's.

In May I will be taking one step to achieving further participation and empowerment for young people, through hosting the Youth Parliament.

Every MP in parliament has, over the last few weeks, been selecting a young person to represent them in the House of Representatives on the 26th and 27th of May.

During the Youth Parliament, the Youth MPs will learn about the parliamentary process, take part in select committees, and take part in a debate on the floor of the House of Representatives. Now, it wasn't so long ago that I gave my first speech from the House, so I know that the young people involved are going to have an awesome time, but they're going to be nervous too. Oh, the Youth MPs, including Rodney Hide's, will fly to Wellington, thanks to Air New Zealand's sponsorship, and will then be billeted by local schools.

The last Youth Parliament held a debate about the drinking age. The Youth MPs that day voted to lower the drinking age to 18. The Ministry of Youth Affairs, used many of the arguments from the debate to formulate a submission for the Liquor Review Advisory Committee.

Now, as you will have seen on Tuesday, the Committee has recommended lowering the drinking age to 18, and I know that the Committee took the Youth Affairs submission very seriously. We saw real youth participation in action.

I should mention here though, that I have some concerns about the Report of the Liquor Review Advisory Committee.

I did support the lowering of the drinking age to 18, but on the proviso that a national identity card is introduced, and that there are no exceptions to the age.

Unfortunately the report did not recommend a national identity card, and suggests that anyone be allowed into licensed premises, so long as they are accompanied by a parent or guardian.

I will not be able to support that stance. It is essential that if we lower the age, that we also introduce strict enforcement of that, and the only way of achieving that is through a clearly defined age and national identity card.

My reason for this stance is that I think we need to recognise that young people are drinking, indeed figures show that up to 76% of 14 - 15 year olds are drinking, and that up to 94% of 16 - 18 year olds are drinking. We need to ensure that young people are safe, and that we are realistic in our enforcement. 20 years is not realistic. 18 years is, and brings the law into line with other laws giving young people various rights at 18 years.

So, along with tougher enforcement, we need to provide a comprehensive education programme about alcohol. We need to remove the mystique about alcohol, and get across the image that it really isn't cool to be drunk.

We've managed to achieve that for drink driving. For young people it certainly isn't cool to be drink driving, and this shows in the statistics of ages involved in drink driving accidents. We need to put this message across about drinking, especially drinking to excess, and abusing the use of alcohol.

Also this week, we have moved one step closer to the equalisation of ages for young people, with the introduction of an amendment to the SmokeFree Environments Act. This amendment proposes to increase the age to purchase tobacco, to 18 years. Other parts of the Bill focus on education and advertising, as well as restricting the access, by young people, to tobacco through the banning of the sale of single cigarettes and packets of less than 20 cigarettes.

I know that my stance on alcohol and tobacco are the right ones to take. We do need to get tougher, ensuring that our young people are safe, healthy and growing up in secure environments. The teenage years are the most important developmental stages of our life. I intend to ensure that we do everything to protect that, and help our young people to make safe, healthy and informed choices about themselves and their actions.

Recently, I've been doing quite a few visits to youth organisations, community groups, and government agencies. I've met quite a lot of young people, and they have pretty much agreed with my approach. It will be very disappointing if we don't listen and act on the advice of young people in looking at our rules, laws and regulations, especially those that directly affect the lives of young people.

But on to women in politics now ...

I have to admit that I am not a great fan of the Westminster style of Parliamentary politics. It is a destructive and confrontational system and the move to MMP has ameliorated its side effects only a little.

Although there are now a record number of women MPs from all political persuasions it will be interesting to see whether that brings about some of the much hoped for change in New Zealand politics.

While I hope the impact of more women in the House will bring positive change, I would be disappointed if all MPs didnt also see it is their responsibility to improve the tenor of the debating chamber. It would be a mistake to think that women should be left to overhaul the system on their own!

The Coalition Agreement sets out quite clearly what the Government intends to deliver for women

agreement in principle to the establishment of a Womens Commissioner whose role will be one of advocacy in co-operation with the Ministry of Womens Affairs;

evaluation of the effectiveness of the Equal Employment Opportunity Trust in terms of progress being made in advancing pay equity and consideration of whether any further legislative initiatives are required to progress the closing of the pay gap;

a review of current child care policies to integrate services and reduce barriers to women seeking financial independence;

resourcing of violence prevention and education programmes within schools and the community;

continuation of funding for the Maori Womens Development Fund; and

a survey of unpaid work/time use.
These policies, many of them in New Zealand Firsts manifesto recognise the particular challenges that women continue to face in New Zealand society and the role that governments must play in beginning to address the various factors which contribute to those challenges.

One of the challenges for us all this year will be the Compulsory Superannuation Referendum, and then hopefully the introduction of a compulsory scheme.

Many Opposition MPs, and some Government members, have recently been campaigning against a compulsory super scheme. I have to say, I think that they are wrong, but more importantly I think they are being a little premature.

It is true, compulsory superannuation may pose some challenges for women and young people, but we first of all need to see what the design of the scheme is going to offer before we make up our mind.

It is a plain fact that today there are 5 people in the paid workforce for every superannuitant. By the year 2040, there will only be 2 people in the paid workforce for every superannuitant. For the youth of New Zealand, this is a frightening prospect that most of them will not even realise. We need to do something now to ensure that we are able to provide for the retired in the year 2040 and beyond.

I would suggest that MPs, including myself, would not be too wise to say yes or no to compulsory super yet. I advise that we all wait until the scheme has been designed, and then lets have the debate. It's an important debate.

As well as superannuation, there are some enormous new challenges for our nations youth ... to create a meaningful and fulfilled life in a world that exhibits often confused and contradictory messages.

One of the issues that is consistently brought up when I meet with young people is that of sexuality education.

Often a young person's sexuality is at the heart of discovering just who they are. It is vital that we provide honest information that empowers them to make safe choices.

One of my roles is to establish proper bridges between young people and our democratic institutions. To involve youth in our decision-making process ... to provide them with a voice, ... but also the opportunity to make that voice heard.

And as you hear and observe what's going on in the lives of young New Zealanders, it is my hope that you will recognise the role that you too can play.

Encourage young people to get active even if it's just a letter to an MP. It could be participation in youth councils, being a student representative in a school, or perhaps being a youth MP in the Youth Parliament.

At the very least - enrol to vote!

Conclusion MMP has proven to be, I think, the right choice for New Zealand

There are not many governments in the world that have written down, for all to see, a 3 year plan of business. The Coalition Agreement has some exciting ideas for New Zealand, and I would urge you all to read it if you get a chance.

Were working for a sound stable Government, putting New Zealanders First.

New Zealand First want to see a safe, healthy and enterprising New Zealand.

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