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29 October 2000Speech Notes

Lincoln Efford Memorial Address
"Advancing Democracy and Representation"

"[Our] capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but [our] inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary"

  • Margaret Wilson
  • Attorney-General

"[Our] capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but [our] inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary"

Niebuhr, Reinhold

1892-1971, American religious and social thinker

  • Margaret Wilson
  • Attorney-General

Family law reflects a set of values that have evolved over time about the role of the family, relationships and the care of children.

  • Margaret Wilson
  • Attorney-General

My colleague Michael Cullen has recently taken on the task of promoting new ways of solving our superannuation problems. The difficulty we have with superannuation of course is that there is no cross-party agreement on the essentials.

  • Margaret Wilson
  • Attorney-General