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E aku rangatira, tēnā koutou katoa. Ka nui te honore ki te mihi ki a koutou.

I would like to start by acknowledging:

  • Apiculture New Zealand and the newly elected board members
  • Scott Gallacher, Deputy-Director General, Regulatory & Assurance, MPI

It is a pleasure to be here today at the first ever Apiculture New Zealand National Conference.

It is great to see the establishment of Apiculture New Zealand, and the unification of the apiculture industry that this represents.

  • Jo Goodhew
  • Primary Industries

Government’s Priorities for the New Zealand Forestry Sector [Slide 1 – title slide]

E āku rangatira, tēnā koutou katoa. Ka nui te honore ki te mihi ki a koutou.

Good morning. Thank you to (Dr) James (Buwalda) for the introduction, I am delighted to be here today.

I would also like to thank the New Zealand Forest Owners Association (FOA) for the invitation to present, as well as to the other conference organisers:

  • Jo Goodhew
  • Primary Industries