Waka Umanga Bill provides for unique nature of Mâori collectives

  • Parekura Horomia
Maori Affairs

Waka Umanga Bill provides for unique nature of Mâori collectives

“Legislation providing for the establishment of new, voluntary legal entities tailored to meet the needs of iwi, hapû and other Mâori collectives that manage communal assets passed its first reading today” said Minister of Maori Affairs, Parekura Horomia

The Waka Umanga Bill recognises that Mâori collectives have a number of unique characteristics and that while they have adapted to using legal forms such as trusts and incorporated societies, these structures are not ideal in meeting their overarching governance needs.

“The Bill is underpinned by the Government’s Mâori Affairs policy of supporting the realisation of Mâori potential and is the result of the consideration by this Government, of issues and opportunities in the area of Mâori governance and tribal representation,” Minister Horomia says.

The Waka Umanga (Mâori Corporations) Bill provides a flexible and accountable legal structure. It outlines a democratic and transparent process to form a ‘waka umanga’, with the key governance document being the charter. Existing groups can also transition to become a waka umanga if they choose.

“I expect the new legislation will provide certainty and stability for Mâori into the future in the area of governance and tribal representation.”