Wait Over For New Wellington Hospital Emergency Department

  • Wyatt Creech

Wellington Hospital is to get its long awaited new Accident and Emergency Department, Health Minister Wyatt Creech announced today.

"We have approved the money needed.

"The new Emergency Department will be built as soon as possible. The current facility is way below par. Wellingtonians and staff at the hospital do not need to put up with it for much longer.

"Treatment, care and services after an accident and emergency are a critical part of our hospitals. Holiday weekends like the Easter break are particularly busy times for emergency departments. Staff need good working conditions and patients expect a certain standard.

"I am pleased to announce that funding has been approved for the construction of a new Emergency Department (including a Fracture Clinic). The Government now wants Capital Coast Health and officials to get to work to urgently put together the final design and details of the new Emergency Department.

"Once the detailed design work has been done tenders can be called and building commenced.

"I have given the state of the Emergency Department at Wellington Hospital my priority attention. I will not let the decision on a new facility such as this, which is needed to ensure the health and safety of a significant number of people in a major city, be held up any longer.

"I expect everyone involved to move swiftly to keep up the momentum so tenders can be called and contracts let to build the new facility.

"It is past time for the new facility. I do not want any more delays," Mr Creech said "I hope staff, and people using the hospital will take heart from this decision."