Verdict should allow all involved to move forward

  • George Hawkins

Today’s verdict in the Stephen Wallace case should allow everyone involved to move on with their lives, Police Minister George Hawkins says.

Senior Constable Keith Abbot was today acquitted in the High Court of a murder charge following a private prosecution bought by Mr Wallace’s family.

Mr Wallace was fatally shot in Waitara in April 2000.

“The strain on Constable Abbott, his family and friends and the wider police family has been immense,” Mr Hawkins said.

Constable Abbot’s acquittal will allow police to feel confident that they will receive a fair hearing if in the course of their duty, their actions are later questioned in a court of law.

Mr Hawkins also acknowledged the overwhelming sorrow felt by the Wallace family at this time.

“Today’s verdict marks the point when it is appropriate that this tragedy is put behind us, and everyone begins to move forward in their lives,” Mr Hawkins said.