Te Korowai o Wainuiārua and the Crown sign Deed of settlement
Treaty of Waitangi NegotiationsThe Crown and Te Korowai o Wainuiārua iwi groups have signed a Deed of Settlement at Raetihi Marae today, Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Andrew Little has announced.
“Today’s signing is a significant milestone for the people of Te Korowai o Wainuiārua and the Crown that represents the end of negotiations and the beginning of a new partnership,” Andrew Little said.
“I want to acknowledge Te Korowai o Wainuiārua and the Crown negotiations teams for working tirelessly during the negotiations process to reach this point.”
Te Korowai o Wainuiārua represents Tamahaki, Tamakana and Uenuku iwi groups in the Central Whanganui region. Their area of interest includes the central Whanganui River, parts of the Tongariro and Whanganui National Parks, and the townships of National Park and Raetihi.
Te Korowai o Wainuiārua’s historical grievances relate to warfare and the imposition of martial law in Whanganui. The Crown acquired land that would later become Tongariro National Park without consulting Te Korowai o Wainuiārua or paying compensation. It also acquired land for public works for defence, electricity generation and railways, which resulted in Te Korowai o Wainuiārua becoming virtually landless.
The Deed includes a Crown apology, an agreed historical account, and financial and cultural redress for historical breaches of the Treaty that caused harm to Te Korowai o Wainuiārua.
The redress package includes:
- $21.7 million in financial and commercial redress
- $6.8 million in cultural funding
- The return of 19 sites of cultural significance and 12 commercial properties, including Crown forestry land at Erua, and the former prison site at Waikune
- Conservation management redress to support establishment of a predator-proofed ecosanctuary at Pōkākā, and a seat on the Tongariro-Taupō Conservation Board
- Relationship agreements with a range of Crown agencies
“While no Treaty settlement will be able to compensate Te Korowai o Wainuiārua for the loss they have suffered, it is my sincere hope that the Treaty Settlement will be a foundation for the restoration of the wellbeing of Te Korowai o Wainuiārua people and their lands,” Andrew Little said.
Ka waitohu Te Korowai o Wainuiārua me te Karauna i te Whakaaetanga Whakataunga
Kua oti i te Karauna me nga rōpu ā-iwi o Te Korowai o Wainuiārua tētahi Whakaaetanga Whakataunga te waitohu ki Raetihi marae i te rā nei, ka pānuitia e te Minita mō ngā take Tiriti o Waitangi, e Andrew Little.
“He kokenga whakahirahira te waitohutanga i te rangi nei mō ngā uri o Te Korowai o Wainuiārua me te Karauna, he tohu o te otinga o ngā whiriwhiringa kōrero me te tīmatanga o tētahi whakahoanga hou,” hei tā Andrew Little.
“E mihi ana ahau ki ngā ohu whiriwhiri a Te Korowai o Wainuiārua me te Karauna mō rātou i whakapau kaha i te roanga o te hātepe whiriwhiri kōrero, ā, tae noa ki tēnei wāhanga.”
Ka whakakanohi Te Korowai o Wainuiārua i ngā rōpū ā-iwi nei, i a Tamahaki rātou ko Tamakana, ko Uenuku ki te pokapū o te rohe o Whanganui. Kei roto i tō rātou rohe pānga ko te pūwaenga o te awa o Whanganui, ētahi wāhi o ngā Pāka ā-Motu o Tongariro me Whanganui, tae atu ki ngā tāone nei, ki National Park me Raetihi.
Ka pā atu ngā nawe hītori a Te Korowai o Wainuiārua ki ngā pakanga me te uruhinga o te ture hōia ki runga o Whanganui. Ka riro i te Karauna he whenua, i muri mai ka huri ki te Tongariro National Park me te kore noa e kōrerorero ki Te Korowai o Wainuiāroa, me te kore noa e tuku utu puretumu. I riro hoki he whenua mō ngā mahinga tūmatanui mō ngā take ope kātua, te mahi hiko me te hanga ara tereina, me te aha ka tata whenua kore Te Korowai o Wainuiārua.
Kei roto i te Whakaaetanga ko tētahi whakapāha nā te Karauna, ko tētahi tātai kōrero hītori i whakaaetia e tēnā me tēnā, tae atu ki te puretumu ā-pūtea me te puretumu ā-ahurea mō ngā wāwāhitanga hītori o te Tiriti i pā atu ai te mamae ki Te Korowai o Wainuiārua.
Kei roto i te kete puretumu ko ēnei:
- E $21.7 miriona hei puretumu ā-pūtea, hei puretumu ā-ōhanga hoki
- E $6.8 miriona hei tahua ā-ahurea
- Ko te whakahokinga o ētahi wāhi tapu 19, me ētahi whenua ōhanga 12, tae atu ki ngā whenua ngahere Karauna ki Erua, me te whenua ki Waikune i tū rā tētahi whare herehere i mua
- He puretumu whakahaere kaupapa tiaki taiao hei tautoko i te whakatūranga o tētahi whakaruruhau taiao ki Pōkāka hei taupā atu i ngā kīrehe, me tētahi tūru ki te Tongariro-Taupō Conservation Board
- He whakaaetanga whakahoanga ki ētahi rangapū Karauna huhua
“Ahakoa e kore e ea i tētahi whakataunga Tiriti te mate i pā ki Te Korowai o Wainuiārua, ko tōku tūmanako motuhenga ia kia noho te Whakataunga Tiriti hei tūāpapa e hauora mai anō ai te mauri o ngā uri o Te Korowai o Wainuiārua, o ō rātou whenua hoki,” hei tā Andrew Little.