Te Ara Mua - Future Streets delivers a safer way to get around in Māngere

  • Tim Macindoe

Associate Transport Minister Tim Macindoe today joined the Mayor of Auckland, Phil Goff, and Māngere-Otahuhu Local Board Chair, Lemauga Lydia Sosene, in cutting the ribbon to mark the completion of the Te Ara Mua – Future Streets project in Māngere, Auckland.

The Te Ara Mua – Future Streets project is a collaboration between the Government, Auckland Transport and the Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Board. The Government has contributed $5.2 million to the project, which is delivering safer streets for Māngere, with the aim of creating a healthier community and transport environment.

Residents and visitors of Māngere will now be able to experience shared and wider pathways for cyclists and pedestrians, planting, improved bus stops, a community trail, improved access to the town centre and local schools and safer crossings.

“When compared with other Auckland communities, between 2009 and 2013, Māngere Central had a disturbing record for the number of fatal and serious crashes in the area. Statistics show that twenty-six per cent of all crashes in the centre of Māngere involved pedestrians, which is why this project is so critical. These new and improved facilities will make it safer and easier to walk and cycle in this community,” says Mr Macindoe.

“By encouraging young people, in particular, to get around on foot or by bike we’re making a positive difference to the people of this neighbourhood. We know people want safe, accessible routes to get them to shops, schools and services, and that this increasingly open, welcoming environment is going to deliver great benefits for this community.”

The Te Ara Mua – Future Streets project is a Safer Journeys Signature Programme project under the government’s second Safer Journeys Action Plan.

Mr Macindoe says this project was identified as a Signature Programme project due to the ambitious and innovative nature of it. The project also applies the Safe System principles and approach with the aim of reducing deaths and serious injuries.

“As part of the project a research team is evaluating the wider benefits of creating a better transport environment. The research findings will be used to inform future design approaches, planning processes and policy,” says Mr Macindoe.

The project has also benefitted from community involvement to incorporate cultural elements reflecting the identity of the Māngere people in the design.

Attached: Artist’s impressions of Te Ara Mua – Future Streets, Mangere.