Supportive housing in central Auckland

  • Hon Phil Twyford
Housing and Urban Development

Housing and Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford today announced a major development to help central Auckland’s most vulnerable residents to live more stable and productive lives.

The Minister, and Housing New Zealand deputy board chair Vui Mark Gosche, this morning unveiled plans to build 280 new purpose built apartments with on-site wrap-around health and support services. These will replace 87 units on the site built more than 60 years ago.

Phil Twyford said the new development will help meet the growing demand for housing in Auckland’s city centre, including an estimated 500 people currently sleeping rough, according to the Auckland City Mission.

“Supported living is an internationally proven way to house and support chronically homeless people, or those who have a range of complex needs.

“Having a permanent home gives people the safe and stable environment they need to address factors which have led to their homelessness such as mental health issues and substance abuse.

“Our Government is not only committed to providing more state houses, but also to supporting community-based providers to supply wrap-around services to best support vulnerable New Zealanders.”

Phil Twyford said these units are part of the 6,400 state homes the Government will build over the next four years.