Strengthening partnership with Te Arawa
Whakamarohitia ngā wai o Waikato. Rejuvenate the waters of Waikato.
The government has reaffirmed its commitment to restoring the health of the Waikato River with Te Arawa, Minister for Māori Development Tama Potaka says.
“My thanks to the Te Arawa River Iwi Trust for bringing their important kōrero to a ministerial forum at Parliament today.
“Our kōrero focused on restoring and protecting the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River, which is the key priority for the Iwi accord,” Minister Potaka said.
“This long-standing commitment is an opportunity for us and Trust leaders to review the progress being made on existing kaupapa, address matters of shared concern, and identify new opportunities for collaboration.
“One of the exciting kaupapa is through the Trust’s education strategy, He Ripo Areare. This strategy has led to an education programme starting this term delivering mātauranga science to years 10 and 11,” Minister Potaka said.
“I am looking forward to working with my Ministerial colleagues and officials to expand on the topics discussed at the form, and to identify how we can collaboratively contribute meaningfully to the aspirations of the Te Arawa River Iwi Trust.
“The government is committed to delivering on Treaty commitments to Iwi and hapū.
“Sustaining strong partnerships with Iwi and hapū is essential to the prosperity of all New Zealanders.”
Te whakapakari pātuinga ki Te Arawa
Whakamarohitia ngā wai o Waikato.
Kua ūhia mai anō tēnei kāwanatanga tōna ngākau nui tonu ki te whakaoranga o te Awa o Waikato, te kī a Te Minita Whanaketanga Māori, a Tama Pōtaka.
“Tēnei aku mihi ki Te Arawa River Iwi Trust me ā rātou kōrero whakahirahira ki te huinga ā-minita me ētahi atu i tae atu ki te Whare Pāremata i te rangi nei.
“Ko te aronga o tā mātou kōrero ko te whakaoranga, ko te whakamarumaru i te hauora me te oranga o te Awa o Waikato, koia te paearu matua mō te whakataunga ā-Iwi,” te kōrero a Minita Potaka.
“He arawātea tēnei paihere tū-roa mā mātou me ngā Pou whakahaere o Te Arawa River Iwi Trust hei arotake i te haere o ngā mahi a te kaupapa tūroa, te kōrero i ngā āwangawanga e pā ki a mātou tahi, me te tautuhi i ngā arawātea hou hei ara mahi tahi mā māua.
“Ko tētahi o ngā kaupapa whakamīharo kua puta mai, i puta mai ai i te rautaki mātauranga o te Tarahiti, He Ripo Areare. Nā tēnei rautaki kua puta ai tētahi hōtaka mātauranga ka tīmata i tēnei wāhanga tau e whakaako ana i te mātauranga pūtaiao ki ngā tau 10, 11 hoki” te kī a Minita Potaka.
“Harikoa katoa te ngākau kia mahi tahi mātou ko ōku hoa Minita me ngā āpiha ki te whakawhānui ake i ngā kōrero e pā ana ki ngā kaupapa i kōrerotia i te hui, me te kimi huarahi e taea ai e mātou te mahi ngātahi i runga i te ngākau nui ki te whakatutuki i ngā moemoeā o Te Arawa River Iwi Trust.
“E ngākau nui ana te kāwanatanga ki te whakatutuki i ngā herenga Tiriti ki ngā iwi me ngā hapū.
“He mea nui te whakapūmautanga o ngā pātuinga pakari ki ngā Iwi me ngā hapū ki te tōnuitanga o tātou katoa a Ngāi Aotearoa.”