State of National Emergency extended

  • Hon Peeni Henare
Civil Defence

The State of National Emergency to support the COVID-19 response will be extended a second time, for a further seven days.

The initial declaration was made on March 25, and the seven-day declaration can be extended as many times as necessary. It does not change the length of the Alert Level 4 lockdown.

“On the advice of the Director of Civil Defence Emergency Management and after consultation with the Prime Minister, I consider the State of National Emergency should remain in place to support the COVID-19 response,” Minister of Civil Defence Peeni Henare said.

The powers activated by the State of National Emergency enable civil defence emergency management professionals to carry out critical work during this time including managing roads, traffic and public places; providing first aid, food, shelter and accommodation.

Use of these powers have included the requisitioning of a carpark so it can be used as a community-based assessment centre, and to support NZ Police to prevent people from doing non-essential activities.

“As we enter our third week under a State of National Emergency and at Alert Level 4, I would like to thank all New Zealanders who have continued to work tirelessly to support the response to COVID-19 through these incredibly challenging times.

As I mentioned last week, now is the time for us to remain at home and be strong together as a nation - kia kaha Aotearoa,” Peeni Henare said.

The State of National Emergency and the COVID-19 Alert Levels are two distinct and separate things. The Alert Levels specify the range of measures that we are taking against COVID-19. A State of National Emergency provides the people managing the response in an emergency, in this case COVID-19, access to powers they would not normally have, but might require now to implement and enforce these measures. 

This declaration by the Minister of Civil Defence extending the State of National Emergency can be found in the Gazette