Southern Waikato shovel ready projects get the green light
Māori DevelopmentThree major local projects at Te Kuiti and Otorohanga have been given the money to get moving after the impact of Covid 19, says the Minister of Māori Development Hon Nanaia Mahuta.
The projects range from a Sports Centre for Te Kuiti, a redevelopment of the Otorohanga Kiwi House and a new dementia centre for the South Waikato.
“It’s crucial for these ‘shovel ready’ projects to get underway in the aftermath of the Covid 19 lockdown. In the case of the Kiwi House construction alone it will employ over 190 locals.
“Other projects like Otorohanga’s Beattie Community Trust who are building a 20 bed dementia unit, the Government’s 1 million dollars is critical in getting the unit off the drawing board.
“Another $2million will go to building a visitor’s centre and a nocturnal house for the towns Kiwi House.
“I am also delighted to announce that Te Kuiti’s Indoor Stadium gets the green light,” says Hon Nanaia Mahuta.
“The Government will give the project a further $500,000 that will top up the funds needed for a fitness centre and a two court indoor stadium.
“It’s also heartening that these projects will mean more jobs for our rangatahi. Over 25 per cent of the Otorohanga Kiwi House staff are Ngāti Maniapoto so this is going to be a win for our whānau in the Southern Waikato,” says Nanaia Mahuta.
The funding announced today is part of the $3 billion infrastructure package in the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund, announced by Finance Minister Grant Robertson and Shane Jones on July 1. The fund is expected to deliver more than 20,000 jobs across New Zealand and unlock investment with a project value of more than $5 billion.
Note to editors:
All approvals are in principle and subject to contract negotiations. Investment values are also subject to change.