• Nick Smith

The Minister of Conservation Nick Smith is supporting the Fish and Came Council's appeal against the decision of Judge Becroft in Taranaki Fish and Game Council v McRitchie.

"The future sustainable management of the fishery requires sensible consistent rules. At the moment this ruling muddies the waters on who can fish and we need to clarify this situation as soon as possible. The trout fishery in New Zealand is used by everyone who contributes a fee. This revenue goes to the Fish and Game Council to manage the fishery and ensure the rivers are protected. If the District Court ruling is upheld, it will cause huge problems for the management of trout fishing."

The Minister of Conservation has also consulted with the Minister of Justice and the Attorney-General about the Government becoming party to the appeal.

"It is highly probable, given that the Fish and Game Council has decided to appeal, that the Crown will become party to the proceedings because of the importance of the issue and its wider implications. A final decision on this will be made once Crown law advice has been considered."

"These rules governing the sustainable use of the fishery were made democratically about the way you may catch trout, when and how many. This ensures the trout numbers are conserved and that in years to come our children can enjoy the same experience. The Courts decision effectively gives at least 430,000 people on the basis of race the right to fish without a licence, or any rules on methods of fishing and that is unfair to most New Zealanders."