Smith Says Aussie Birds Must Go

  • Nick Smith

Conservation Minister Nick Smith today authorised the capture of Rainbow Lorikeets in Auckland saying they posed a serious threat to New Zealand's native birds like the tui and kakariki, as well as being a potential pest to horticultural crops and urged the Auckland public to assist DoC, ARC and MAF in eradicating the Aussie invaders.

"The lorikeet may look cute but it has the potential to become a major pest. You would think we would have learnt from the disastrous importation of possums from Australia. It makes me angry that people would be so foolish as to intentionally introduce this bird and release it with no care for the consequences".

"The scientific evidence against the lorikeet is compelling. They will drive out native tui and other endemic honeyeaters by stealing their food and over time will take over nesting sites and territory. They pose a further threat by introducing overseas bird diseases to our more vulnerable native birds. The birds are also a major economic threat to apple and pear orchardists. In Darwin up to 80 - 90% of tropical fruit crops are lost to Rainbow Lorikeets."

"I am disappointed that an administrative oversight has resulted in the Department failing to successfully prosecute the person responsible for releasing lorikeets on the North Shore. Systems have been corrected to ensure any future person will not get off. But our primary goal is to get Aucklanders to understand the risk these birds pose to our native wildlife".

"Birds like the kakariki and tui go to the core of what it is to be a New Zealander. I don't want Auckland to become just another Aussie city devoid of New Zealand bird life. If people want lorikeets they can either have them in a cage or travel to Australia".

Officials from the Department of Conservation, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Auckland Regional Council are working together to halt the threat from lorikeets. Reports from the public show that the lorikeets are now widespread throughout the Auckland region. The co-operation of landowners on the North Shore enabled a small flock of lorikeets to be captured this morning.

The birds will be tested for diseases, offered to the zoo or humanely put down. The Minister asked Aucklanders to assist in the challenge before numbers grew to the point where control was impossible.