Review of Autism Services

  • Bill English

Health Minister Bill English said today the Ministry of Health would review services for people with autism and their families and had commissioned an independent review of the treatment of Casey Albury.

"The Ministry has set up a project team to review services for people with autism and their families, identify the gaps and recommend action to plug them.

"In addition, Professor John Werry, a child and adolescent pyschiatrist and Professor Emeritus at Auckland University, has been commissioned to:

review Casey Albury's case history and the services provided to her and her family
assess the availability and standard of services provided
provide recommendations on steps which could be taken to improve the care available to people with autism and their families.
"Now that the trial triggered by Casey's death has concluded, it is important that we review all the information surrounding her treatment and care and learn from it.

"Both Professor Werry and the Ministry's team will report back by mid-October. The Ministers of Social Welfare and Education join me in stressing the importance of this work.

"The Ministry team will consult with other agencies such as the Autism Association and will also canvas international data to identify best practice models in other countries before making recommendations on planning, funding and provision of services," said Mr English.