Putting home ownership within reach of Pacific Aotearoa
Pacific PeoplesPacific community groups and organisations will get tools to help them achieve home ownership with the implementation of the Ministry for Pacific Peoples (MPP) Pacific Housing Initiative, said Pacific Peoples Minister Aupito William Sio.
In July 2021, MPP launched the Pacific Community Housing Provider Registration Support programme and the Pacific Financial Capability Fund as the first step in implementing the Housing Initiative.
Last year, the New Zealand Government dedicated $41.315 million over four years as part of Budget 2020 towards the Improving Housing for Pacific families and Communities Initiative.
“This funding is being put towards implementing MPP’s Housing Initiative, which includes providing financial literacy skills to strengthen Pacific families to be able to cope with significant economic shocks, and support savings towards home ownership, so relevant in today’s climate,” said Aupito William Sio.
In February 2021, MPP requested applications for Pacific organisations to deliver the Pacific Financial Capability Programme to Pacific people across the country, and 15 organisations have been selected, specialising in budgeting and financial services, as well as general providers who offer financial literacy tools as part of their services.
Selected organisations are based around the country, in Auckland, Waikato, Gisborne, Levin, Porirua, Wellington, Christchurch, Levin and Dunedin. A full list of the selected organisations can be found at www.mpp.govt.nz.
The Community Housing Provider (CHP) Registration Fund was also put out to tender in February, with Community Housing Solutions Limited (CHS), being contracted to deliver the CHP registration programme.
“The specialist housing consultancy group will support the development of six Pacific organisations to successfully register as CHPs with the Community Housing Regulatory Authority.
“This hard mahi being done currently will help our people towards home ownership and achieving my Ministry’s goal of resilient, prosperous and thriving Pacific communities in Aotearoa New Zealand,” said Aupito William Sio.