Prime Minister Releases Government's Goals

  • Jenny Shipley
Prime Minister

"My Government intends to work with the whole community to strengthen families and build a stronger New Zealand," Prime Minister Jenny Shipley said today.

"We want to lift the productive capacity of our country to become a high value economy. We want to focus on ways to develop smart people with a sense of worth who seek out new opportunities and feel rewarded for their effort. We want New Zealanders to find new ways to produce smart products and services. Government and the private sector will work to identify and capitalise on new and expanding markets. "

The Prime Minister today released the National-led Government's overarching goals for the next three years.

"These goals describe the New Zealand of tomorrow that we're aiming to be. The Government Departments, Crown entities, the private sector and all New Zealanders will know what to expect from us in terms of direction, effort and emphasis, and also what is expected of them.

"Our seven overarching goals are:

We will work to maintain a strongly growing, internationally competitive economy
We will work to encourage innovation, new ideas and technologies
We will work to enhance the role of individuals, families, communities and the private sector in building our society on a strong Government foundation of safety and security.
We will work to make a difference with social assistance by breaking cycles of disadvantage and focussing on those most in need
We will find new ways to treasure and protect our natural environment
We will work to improve the social and economic status of Maori and settle historical grievances
We will find new ways to celebrate, foster and protect our cultural, historical and environmental heritage

"These goals set out our ambitions for this country, defining the general character of what we aim to be and do. In addition we have identified eight key priorities which we regard as vitally important to New Zealanders success and future well-being.

"These are the areas where the greatest effort must go so that progress can be made over the next three years. They are where our best investments can be made. They provide long-term benefits and solutions.

"Our eight strategic priorities are:

- lifting the educational standards and achievement of our people
- expanding our knowledge base and technological capability as a society
- extending economic and social opportunities by:
- strengthening families, especially through intervening and targeting services that break cycles of disadvantage;
- significantly improving the health, employment, education and housing status of Maori;
- preventing youth offending and re-offending;
- expecting and encouraging active participation in work
- strengthening our external links by liberalising trade, investment and immigration
- encouraging savings and investment within a stable and neutral investment environment
- improving the quality of our regulatory environment
- encouraging the contestable supply of resources and services in areas of public sector responsibilities
- safeguarding indigenous biodiversity by protecting habitats and controlling introduced pests.

"Our overarching goals for New Zealand and the key strategic priorities we have set will form the basis for setting our Budget priorities for programmes for action," the Prime Minister said.

Detailed intentions will be outlined in the Prime Minister's statement in February and in next year's Budget.

"Our plans for the next three years build on a year of solid achievements by the National-led Government. Despite a year of extraordinary climatic, economic and political events, the Year in Review, released today, demonstrates that this Government is clearly focused and capable of delivering important and valuable results for New Zealand.

"We have decided to publish this document today so that observers can be left in no doubt that the National-led Government is making progress in the best interests of country.

"We are releasing the Goals and Priorities and the Year in Review alongside today's DEFU and BPS to help build the picture of how far we have come and where our future plans can take us," Mrs Shipley concluded.

NB: The Goals and Priorities Document is available on the Internet later today at