Positive ageing progress measured

  • John Carter
Senior Citizens

A summary of progress on New Zealand’s Positive Ageing Strategy can now be viewed at a single online source (http://positiveageing.msd.govt.nz), Senior Citizens Minister John Carter said today.

“There are many great initiatives taking place around New Zealand to support the strategy, which aims to improve the well-being of older people, and it is important to track what is being done,” Mr Carter said.

 “As Minister for Senior Citizens I have selected priorities from the strategy to focus on, including employment of mature workers, changing attitudes about ageing, and protecting the rights and interests of older people, especially in relation to elder abuse and neglect.”

The New Zealand Positive Ageing Strategy was developed in 2001 after consultation with communities, the voluntary sector and central and local government. Its 10 goals are used by agencies to develop action plans to improve the wellbeing of older people in communities throughout New Zealand.

“Older people are an increasing proportion of our population as people live longer. This will become more evident as the first of the ‘baby boomers’ turn 65 from this year,” Mr Carter said.

“We need to plan and act now, so older New Zealanders can continue to age well. We also need to monitor our progress, so all older people in New Zealand can enjoy positive ageing.”

The New Zealand Positive Ageing Strategy is available online at http://positiveageing.msd.govt.nz  The website provides useful facts and figures that show progress against the 10 positive ageing goals.