Over 6,100 more doctors & nurses in our hospitals
HealthHealth Minister Jonathan Coleman says a record number of doctors and nurses are working in DHBs across the country.
“Our dedicated health workforce is making a difference to the lives of New Zealanders. More doctors and nurses in our DHBs means faster treatment and better experiences for patients and their families,” says Dr Coleman.
As of 31 March 2016, there were over 7,880 doctor full-time-equivalents and 22,500 nurse full-time equivalents employed by DHBs – that’s almost 2,000 more doctors and nearly 4,200 more nurses compared to 2008.
In total the number of doctors and nurses working in DHBs across the country has increased by over 6,100 since 2008 - an increase of 25 per cent.
This includes around 1,100 more senior doctors, an increase of 36 per cent, and almost 1,100 more senior nurses, an increase of 40 per cent.
“New Zealanders need a health workforce that is well equipped to handle current and future demands,” says Dr Coleman.
“In February I released the Health of the Health Workforce report which outlines the challenges facing the sector, such as an ageing workforce and staffing rural positions.
“Work programmes to help address these issues continue. This includes the Voluntary Bonding Scheme which encourages health practitioners to practise in specialties and regions that are traditionally difficult to staff.”
The health workforce is supported by the extra $400 million being invested into the sector this year, taking the health budget to a record $15.9 billion.
A copy of the latest health workforce report is available on the Ministry of Health’s website, www.health.govt.nz.