NZ Police to participate in EU mission in Afghanistan

  • Annette King

Police Minister Annette King says the Cabinet has agreed that New Zealand should join the European Union's Police Mission in Afghanistan (EUPOL), and that operational control of the three NZ Police officers in Bamyan should transfer to EUPOL.

Ms King says New Zealand supports the creation of EUPOL, anticipating that it may work in conjunction with the US police reform programme to improve harmonisation and standardisation of police practice in Afghanistan.

"Our Police have already made a substantial contribution to police reform in Bamyan Province, and New Zealand supports a better co-ordinated approach to improving the safety and security of Afghani citizens,” Ms King said.

"New Zealand looks forward to continuing to be part of the international effort on the ground in a country that needs our help. The experience our police have working in other post-conflict environments means our contribution is highly valued".

Note: NZ Police officers have been deployed to Afghanistan since 2005 under an NZAID-funded arrangement, and are co-located with NZDF in the Bamyan Province Provincial Reconstruction Team.

Contact: John Harvey (04) 471 9305; John Saunders (04) 470 6851.