New Talanoa Ako resources support Pacific learners


The Associate Minister of Education, Aupito William Sio, launched the Talanoa Ako Guided Resources at an online event this morning.

The Talanoa Ako Guided Resources will support early learning services and schools strengthen their support for Pacific learners and their families.

“The Guided Resources were developed from findings where the Ministry heard from the voices of over 1,800 parents, families, learners, and community leaders who shared how these programmes impacted their lives, aspirations, and wellbeing,” said Aupito William Sio.

“The Talanoa Ako Guided Resources will help schools reflect on their practices. They will inspire teachers and leaders to walk alongside Pacific families and communities.

“More importantly, it will help schools and communities understand what ‘culturally safe spaces’ look and feel like for Pacific communities, and what is important culturally to Pacific learners and families.”

Talanoa Ako: Talking about Education and Learning resources provide insights to Pacific experiences in education, and provides educators with practical advice.  It’s accompanied by a series of video clips where Pacific communities talk about what they think needs to occur for better education and learning outcomes. Other resources in the suite are focussed on developing the Pacific capability of Boards of Trustees, Reporting, Literacy and developing a school Pacific strategy.

The Talanoa Ako Guided Resources complements the existing Tapasā framework, which also helps teachers and leaders build cultural competency and develop effective teaching practices that engage Pacific learners.

“I want to acknowledge and thank everyone who shared their experiences. You told us what works for Pacific peoples in Aotearoa. Now the challenge is for us to listen and act,” said Aupito William Sio.