New partnerships to deliver 620 new youth development opportunities

  • Nikki Kaye

New partnerships to support DINE Academy Boot Camps and the Limitless Programme will see more than $425,000 invested to create over 600 new youth development opportunities, Youth Minister Nikki Kaye announced today.

Dine Academy Boot Camps offer leadership training and the opportunity to develop hospitality sector skills, while the Limitless Programme is about building confidence and awareness that can be translated into a purposeful career.

“The investments in these initiatives are being made under the Partnership Fund, which sees the Government co-invest with business, philanthropic, iwi and other partners to grow youth development opportunities,” says Ms Kaye.

“Around $324,000 from a range of partners, including the Government, will be invested in the DINE Academy initiative, which is aimed at secondary school students who are at risk of leaving education without employment.”

Around 220 opportunities for young people will be created by this investment.

“Following a week of high-intensity hospitality training, participants have the opportunity to receive follow-up mentoring, attend ongoing skills-based workshops and gain work experience at a major hospitality event such as a sports match or concert,” says Ms Kaye.

“Supporting young people to overcome disadvantaged backgrounds is an important focus of youth development, and this initiative offers the opportunity for young people who may be lacking a vision for their future to get onto a positive path.”

Other partners supporting the DINE Academy Boot Camps include Spotless Limited, Hospitality Trust, Cre8tive and various secondary schools.

“Around $103,000, with additional in-kind support, will be invested by various partners, including the Government, towards the Limitless Programme,” says Ms Kaye.

“This will provide opportunities for around 400 Year 10 students from over 25 high schools in Canterbury to discover more about how they can live lives of purpose and passion, doing work they love.

“As part of the programme, participants will attend a conference where they will take part in workshops, receive mentoring and develop their leadership capabilities.

“Following the conference, they’ll be able to continue their development via an online portal, aimed at connecting students with ongoing opportunities such as volunteering, scholarships, training and work experience.”

Partners supporting the Limitless Programme include the Rātā Foundation, Kiwibank, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, Te Pūtahitanga o te Waipounamu, PwC Foundation, BizDojo, Ed Collective, Duncan Cotterill and the Department of Internal Affairs.

“I recently announced that the Government will invest around $1.7 million in the Partnership Fund to support new partnerships in 2017/18,” says Ms Kaye.

“Since the fund was set up in 2016, over 7000 new leadership, mentoring and volunteering opportunities have been created.

“We have many talented young people in New Zealand who with the right support can take their aspirations to the next level. It’s great that we have so many partners who also see the value in investing in our youth, and are passionate about working with the Government to grow the number of youth development opportunities.”

Notes re partner contributions

DINE Boot Camps

  • Ministry of Youth Development Partnership Fund $75,000
  • Spotless Limited $90,000 in-kind support
  • Secondary schools $70,000
  • Hospitality Training Trust $12,000
  • Cre8tive $2,000 in-kind support

Limitless Programme

  • Ministry of Youth Development Partnership Fund $35,000
  • $68,320 as well as in-kind contributions from the Rātā Foundation, Kiwibank, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, Te Pūtahitanga o te Waipounamu, PwC Foundation, Ed Collective and the Department of Internal Affairs
  • In-kind contributions from BizDojo and Duncan Cotterill