New Matariki resources available for schools and kura


Associate Minister of Education (Māori) Kelvin Davis has today announced 51 education resources that will help bring Mātauranga Māori to life.

“Matariki is our first uniquely te ao Māori public holiday and is a time for us to remember the past, celebrate the present, and plan for the future. Matariki also provides ākonga (students) with a gateway into mātauranga Māori and tikanga Māori,” Kelvin Davis said.

“These resources will directly impact the identity, language and culture of our ākonga.”

The curriculum resources created include activity cards, books (including eBooks), journals, apps, waiata, rotarota, videos, posters, teaching and learning programmes, and Maramataka.

“These new teaching and learning resources will ensure kaiako (teachers) are not left to navigate the teaching of Matariki alone,” Kelvin Davis said.  

Resources were developed by Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga (The Ministry of Education) in collaboration with Dr Rangi Mātāmua and the Matariki Advisory Group, with other materials developed to align with iwi or hapū mātauranga.

“It is important to give our ākonga, kaiako and whānau a range of opportunities to learn about and personalise their Matariki learning experience,” Kelvin Davis said.

The resources focus on the themes of honouring the past, present, and future, with emphasis on observing how ākonga fit into the natural world and their environmental responsibilities.

Resources will be provided to kōhanga reo, early learning services, schools and kura for both Māori Medium and English Medium pathways from 6 June 2022. 27 of the new resources will be distributed to 6,757 learning sites prior to the inaugural Matariki public holiday on 24 June.

The online resources will be available on the education portal Kauwhata Reo from 1 June 2022.