New laws passed to reduce terrorism risk and keep community safe
JusticeThe Government has further strengthened and clarified counter-terrorism laws, particularly around high-risk individuals, to make our communities safer, Justice Minister Kiri Allan said.
The Counter-Terrorism Acts (Designations and Control Orders) Amendment Bill 2023 passed its third reading today with strong support across the House.
“The Government will continue to respond to the evolving nature of terrorism to ensure our communities are kept safe from these horrific acts,” Kiri Allan said.
“Following the Lynn Mall terror attack, the Government sought a review of how the control order regime could be strengthened. These new laws respond to that and New Zealanders will be safer as a result.
“The Control Orders Act will be more effective and ensure operational agencies have the right tools to better prevent and respond to terror attacks.
The scheme to designate terrorist entities, which is also used to disrupt and prevent terrorism, will be strengthened and clarified too. The purpose of the scheme is to prevent further terrorist acts by placing restrictions on the assets and activities of identified terrorist entities, including individuals.
“The scheme was brought in to stop New Zealanders from providing financial support to overseas terrorist groups following the September 11 attacks. As the terrorism landscape has continued to evolve, so too will our laws.
“The Government continues to make progress on implementing the recommendations from the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terrorist attack on the Christchurch masjidain and these changes contribute to that.
“I want to thank all those who had submitted on the Act, and acknowledge the collaborative approach from Parliamentary colleagues. I also want to acknowledge the victims of terrorism in New Zealand and around the world.
“We owe it to them to do everything we can to protect our communities from terrorism,” Kiri Allan said.