New code to put victims first

  • Amy Adams

Justice Minister Amy Adams says a new draft Victims Code of Rights will help to ensure victims are better informed and put them at the heart of the justice system.

The draft code outlines victims’ rights, the services available to victims and their families from government agencies and other organisations, and the obligations of justice sector agencies when dealing with victims.

Ms Adams says the Government is seeking people’s views on how easy the draft code is to understand and how to ensure people know about it.

“Developing the Victims Code is an important part of our work to ensure victims know their rights. It is vital that victims of crime who are caught up in the criminal justice system through no fault of their own know about and understand it,” Ms Adams says.

“To be effective and reach those who need it, the code needs to be user-friendly and readily available to victims and their families. The Government has developed the code with the interests of victims in mind, and is seeking public feedback to ensure we’ve got it right.”

The Ministry of Justice has previously consulted widely about the content and structure of the code. Its implementation follows changes to the Victims’ Rights Act 2002 that strengthened and expanded victims’ rights.

Anyone wishing to comment can do so through a short online questionnaire.

Both the draft code and questionnaire can be found on

Editor’s note:

Written submissions can be sent to:

Victims Centre

Ministry of Justice

DX SX10088