Mokomoko Bill passes into law

  • Pita Sharples
Māori Affairs

The Minister of Maori Affairs today pays tribute to the descendants of Te Whakatōhea rangatira, Mokomoko, and welcomes the passing of the 3rd reading of  the Mokomoko (Restoration of Character, Mana, and Reputation) Bill.

“The passing of this Bill marks the end of a long journey for Te whānau a Mokomoko, who have fought to restore the character, mana, and reputation of their tipuna Mokomoko, who was tried, convicted and executed for his alleged role in the murder of Rev Carl Sylvius Volkner,” said Dr. Sharples.

“The story of Mokomoko is one that has touched many of us in this House, as has been reflected in the broad support for the passage of this Bill. I would like to acknowledge Hon Tariana Turia for leading this Bill through its final stages in the House.”

“I also want to acknowledge in particular the Maori Affairs Select Committee, who has played a significant role in the passage of this legislation. They not only travelled to Waiaua Marae to receive oral submissions during the Committee stages of the Bill, their recommendation that the Bill move forward in dual languages has further enhanced the mana of this tipuna, and his proud whānau.”

“Finally, I acknowledge Te whānau a Mokomoko for their absolute commitment to seeing this Bill through to the end,” said Dr. Sharples.

“E Te whānau a Mokomoko, the long journey that you have endured to restore the character, mana and reputation of your tipuna must be commended. Your perseverance has not only had an impact on your whānau and uri, it has touched us all.”

“In 1866, your tipuna Mokomoko uttered these sorrowful words, “Tangohia te taura i taku kakī, kia waiata au i taku waiata”, ‘take the rope from my throat so that I may sing my song’. Have the strength to speak up, and the truth will not be silenced. You have honoured your tipuna and his words through this journey,” said Dr. Sharples.