• Maurice Williamson
Associate Minister of State Services

Today's announcement by Prime Minister Jenny Shipley establishing a Year 2000 (Y2K) Task Force and the appointment of Hon Maurice Williamson as Associate Minister of State Services with particular responsibility for Information Technology has been welcomed by Mr Williamson.

"As Minister of Information Technology (IT) I have been actively involved with the social and economic impact of IT especially with the emergence of the Knowledge Society, rather than the systems of Government departments," the Minister said.

"However I have always had a watching brief on these systems and have on numerous occasions responded to requests from department chief executives about the strategic use of information technology for the delivery of government services.

"Now as Associate Minister of State Services I will be able to take a more direct role and also ensure that IT services and departments are meeting Government's requirements.

"The Year 2000 Task Force is the right approach to tackling a problem which has the potential to affect essential services. Solutions developed in this country could lead to New Zealand expertise being exported overseas.

"I'm looking forward to working with Minster of State Service Hon Simon Upton and the Commissioner of State Services Michael Wintringham in my new role as Associate Minister of State Services," Mr Williamson said.