Milestone reached for Iwi Affiliation Population Counts
StatisticsIwi affiliation data released today provides updated population counts for all iwi and addresses gaps in Māori data originating from the 2018 Census, says Associate Minister of Statistics Meka Whaitiri.
“The release of the 2018 Iwi Affiliation Estimated Counts is a really important step, and I acknowledge the hard work of those involved. This data will provide iwi with invaluable information on which to make decisions,” Meka Whaitiri said.
Release of this data is the result of a joint initiative between the Data Iwi Leaders Group, a sub-group of the National Iwi Chairs Forum, and Stats NZ under the Mana Ōrite Relationship Agreement.
A further joint initiative has been the development of Te Whata, an online storehouse of data designed to make iwi data more relevant, accessible, and useful for iwi needs.
All iwi contained in the Statistics New Zealand Iwi Classification have a space in Te Whata.
“The value of Te Whata is that it is developed by Māori for Māori, is a central repository for iwi data, and that it enables our iwi to better plan for positive futures,”
“The platform provides iwi members, technicians and leaders with access to data and insights that can be tailored to the narratives and priorities of each iwi, enabling Māori to see themselves better reflected in the data.”
“I also want to acknowledge the Data Iwi Leaders Group’s leadership in developing this platform and its commitment to continuing to work with the Government on it.”
The 2018 iwi estimates are now available on both the Te Whata and the Stats NZ website.