Media Speculation Premature

  • Jack Elder

Media speculation on the future management structure of Police is premature, Police Minister Jack Elder said today.

"The independent review of Police has not been completed, let alone been seen and considered by the Government."

Mr Elder said the whole purpose of the review was to ensure that the police administration was not absorbing resources that could me more usefully deployed to the front line.

The terms of reference for the independent review clearly stated it would be looking at the Police administrative and management structures. Nothing said today in the Justice and Law Reform Select Committee added anything else to this, Mr Elder said.

"Not having seen the report, I am unable to make any comment on its possible recommendations.

"I should stress the review has been looking at Police administrative and management structures, while recognising the constitutional independence of the Commissioner of Police on matters of law enforcement."

Mr Elder restated the Government's commitment to boosting Police ability to fight crime, and to enhance the respect and public confidence in the Police.

"The Coalition Agreement clearly states this Government will take a tougher approach to law and order, and we have delivered by sharply increasing the number of front-line Police on the beat.

"This will not be compromised."

There is now the highest ever number of Police staff, and the largest ever Police budget, Mr Elder said.

"I am very encouraged by the fact the reported crime rate has steadily fallen since the Coalition Agreement was signed.

"The public can be guaranteed this Government will do nothing relating to the Police administrative that will not increase safety for members of the public."