Māori Language Strategy – Maihi Karauna released

  • Hon Nanaia Mahuta
Māori Development

Māori Development Minister Hon Nanaia Mahuta is calling for New Zealanders’ views on the Maihi Karauna – the Crown’s draft Māori language strategy.

“The Government recognises the importance of te reo Māori as a taonga and the responsibility we have to protect its status. And when I think of my young children growing up it is increasingly important to ensure that more kiwi’s connect and reflect our common identity through valuing the indigenous language and culture of our country.”

In 2016 Te Ture mō te Reo Māori 2016 was enacted and provided a new opportunity to revision our effort towards for Māori language revitalisation.

“The Maihi Karauna is one part of the strategy with an opportunity to harness the wave of support for te reo Māori across Aotearoa to determine a way to maintain and grow that momentum.”

The strategy lays out the Crown’s responsibilities to revitalise te reo Māori and sets clear goals to achieve by 2040.

“I encourage everyone to have their say on the future of our language and how the Crown can help to protect, promote and secure its future.”

The Maihi Karauna complements the Maihi Māori, the revitalisation strategy for language in homes and communities, led by Te Mātāwai. Both strategies, the Maihi Karauna and Maihi Māori, are named after the maihi (bargeboards) on each side of a whare”.

“This is the first time the Crown and Māori have entered into an active, planned partnership for revitalisation. I am excited about the potential for securing a strong, enduring future for our language among whānau, and wider Aotearoa New Zealand.”

Minister Mahuta says interest in te reo Māori is high and rapidly advancing technology is creating new opportunities for growth.

“The Crown’s challenge is to respond to this climate with smart solutions that will not only promote quality language, but encourage and support the places where that language can flourish every day and long into the future,“ says Nanaia Mahuta.

The public consultation runs from 3 August to 30 September.

The strategy can be downloaded and submissions can be made at www.tpk.nz/maihikarauna

 Kua puta te karanga a te Minita Whanaketanga Māori, te Hōnore Nanaia Mahuta ki te iwi whānui o Aotearoa kia tuku mai rātou i ō rātou whakaaro ka mutu ō rātou tirohanga e pā ana ki te maihi Karauna – te rautaki reo Māori hukihuki a te Karauna.

“E mārama ana ki te Kāwanatanga te hiranga o te reo Māori hei taonga, otirā, te haepapa i runga i a mātou ki te tiaki i tōna mana.  Ā, i a au ka whakaaro ki aku nohinohi e pakeke haere ana he mea nui kia mātua whakarite ka piki haere te nui o ngā tāngata o Aotearoa e hono ai, e whakaaro nui ai hoki ki tō tāua tuakiri ngātahi mā te whakanui i te reo me te ahurea o te tangata whenua o tō tātou nei whenua.”

I te tau 2016 i mana ai Te Ture Reo Māori, ka whakatuwherahia hoki he huarahi hou hei whakarerekē ake i tā tātou mahi whakarauoratanga reo Māori.

“Ko tētahi wāhanga o te rautaki te Maihi Karauna e whai ana i te pukenga tautoko mō te reo Māori hōrapa i Aotearoa e whakarite huarahi ana e pupuri ai, e whakatupu anō ai hoki i taua hiring."

Kei te whakatakoto te rautaki i ngā haepapa o te Karauna ki te whakarauora ake i te reo Māori, e whakarite ana hoki i ngā whāinga hei tutuki i mua i te tau 2040.

“Kei te whakatenatena au i ngā tāngata katoa ki te whakaputa kōrero, whakaaro anō hoki e pā ana ki te noho o tō tātou reo, me pēhea hoki e taea ai e te Karauna te whakapūmau tōna noho ā haere ake nei.”

He hoa haere te Maihi Karauna me te Maihi Māori, ara, te rautaki whakarauora i te reo i ngā kāinga me ngā hapori, he mea ārahi i Te Mātāwai. Kua tapaina ngā rautaki e rua, te Maihi Karauna me te Maihi Māori, ki te ingoa o ngā maihi (bargeboards) i ia taha o te whare.

“Ko te wā tuatahi tēnei kua uru ngātahi atu te Karauna me Ngai Māori ki tētahi mahi ngātahi mō te whakarauoratanga te take. Hiamo katoa au i te torohū mō te whakapūmau i te noho pakari o tō tātou reo mō ake tonu atu ki waenga i te whānau, otirā i Aotearoa nui tonu.”

E kī ana a te Minita Mahuta he nui te kaingākau ki te reo Māori, ā, nā te tere hoki o te pakari haere o te hangarau kua puta ētahi huarahi hou anō mō te tupu.

“Ko te wero kei mua i te aroaro o te Karauna ko te urupare ki tēnei tūāhuatanga ki ngā rongoā atamai e whakatairanga i te kounga o te reo, ka mutu, e whakatenatena, e tautoko hoki i ngā wāhi e puāwai ai taua reo ia rā, ia rā haere ake nei, haere ake nei,” e ai ki a Nanaia Mahuta.

Ka haere ngā hui akoako tūmatanui i te 3 o Hereturikōkā ki te 30 o Mahuru.

E taea ai te rautaki te tiki atu, e taea hoki te tuku whakaaro mai i www.tpk.nz/maihikarauna