Legislation to help Councils plan for future
Local GovernmentGiving councils greater flexibility to change their structures and coordinate infrastructure across a region will help ensure they are able to support future growth, Local Government Minister Paula Bennett says.
The Government will introduce legislation early in 2016 to allow councils to transfer functions and responsibilities between regional councils and territorial authorities.
“Local government is seriously looking at ways to improve the way it plans and manages major infrastructure resources like water and transport, but current legislation limits the ability of councils to effectively coordinate services with neighbouring councils,” Mrs Bennett says.
“Councils play an important role in creating a more productive and competitive economy, so it is crucial their structures are designed to promote business growth and better link up our regions, towns and cities.
“We want to give local government a broader range of structures to choose from, helping councils focus on region-wide economic growth and making sensible decisions about infrastructure development beyond one council’s boundaries.
“Ratepayers expect their local leaders to think long-term, and the Government wants to remove roadblocks to their success.”
The Local Government Commission will work with councils and communities to implement new structural options that suit their local needs.
“The Government’s strategy for fit for the future structures is about a step change in our approach to governing, managing, and delivering core services that help accelerate regional growth,” says Mrs Bennett.