Labour's Rural Policy Missing From Social Credit Card

  • John Luxton
Food, Fibre, Biosecurity and Border Control

Speaking in the Budget Debate today Food and Fibre Minister John Luxton said that Labour's rural policy shows just how little Helen Clark cares about provincial New Zealand.

"Coming from an urban dominated political party, it is no surprise that Labour couldn't even find space on its social credit card for a rural policy. What message does that give to hard working rural New Zealanders? That either Labour has no policy or it is so insignificant it's not worth publicising," said John Luxton.

"Labour's tax policy will rip money from the provinces. Of the $330 million that Labour will take from rural communities, just one third will be returned in a politically directed way. In my own area alone, $22 million a year will be sucked out of the Waikato economy."

"Labour are totally out of touch with the rural sector. The Labour Party's tax increases are guaranteed to increase unemployment in rural New Zealand and highlights their lack of understanding of even basic economics."

"In total contrast, the current Government's approach is to ensure that our important rural export sectors have lower input costs which allows rural incomes to increase. The Government is focused on ensuring the future prosperity of the rural sector through policies that drive growth and raise incomes. The Budget reinforces the importance of food and fibre industries to the whole economy."

"The Budget will add to rural income by again lowering farmer's costs. The rural economy is very dependent on encouraging more value adding in the local community. Government policies are designed to do just this, but Labour are totally silent on it."

"The Labour Party continues to live in the past. While they may be able to define the problem, they have no policies or understanding of the issues facing rural New Zealand. That is evident for all to see with no mention of the rural sector on their social credit card," Mr Luxton concluded.