Kiwis Say 'No' Union Controlled Workplaces

  • Tony Ryall
State Owned Enterprises

AC Neilsen research on the Employment Contracts Act has drawn a predictable reaction from the cheerleaders for Labour-Alliance, says SOE Minister Tony Ryall.

"The Employers Federation commissioned research shows kiwis want to keep the job creation machine called the Employment Contracts Act", said Mr Ryall.

"They don't want unions back in the driving seat of New Zealand industry. Kiwis don't want to go back to the bad years of strike after strike.

"Rather than argue the case, the cheerleaders of the Left shoot the messenger. Once again the Labour-Alliance strategy of bullying the voices of business is to the fore.

"The only thing that stands between the unions getting back into the driving seat or their continued irrelevance, is Jenny Shipley and a National-led Government.

"This election is the final shot for the union movement. They are desperate for a Labour-Alliance government.

"They want industrial strife; strikes are to unions what oxygen is to fire.

"The Neilsen research shows kiwis don't want to go down that track" said Mr Ryall.