King releases report on police recruitment and training

  • Annette King

Police Minister Annette King today released the Cerno Report on Police Standards and Assessment Practice, saying it provided assurances that the Police are training recruits to an acceptable standard, and that police are capable of doing their jobs when all their training has been completed.

On 26 June Ms King requested independent expert advice from organisational psychologist and Cerno partner Dr Dave George on the testing and assessment of people who apply to join the police, of recruits and of probationary constables.

“I only received the report yesterday, but I am releasing it almost immediately because there has been so many conflicting comments and claims and public debate over the standard of people entering the Royal New Zealand Police College and graduating from it,” she said today.

Ms King says while the report reinforces that there has been no decline in the standard of police graduates, it does highlight areas where improvements can be made in recruitment and assessment.

"As the report points out, recruiting staff is not an exact science. The tests that police recruits undergo are rigorous and significantly greater than those required for entry to most New Zealand organisations,” she said.

"However, there needs to be a tighter focus on achieving consistency in both the recruitment and assessment processes so that we make the most efficient use of training resources, as Dr George points out.

"There are aspects of recruitment and training where NZ Police could do better. I have been assured by Police that they agree with this report and fully accept Mr George's findings, which they will implement as a programme of work over time,"

NB: The report will be available from 3.30pm today on the Police website,