Kāinga Ora gets tooled up to build more homes

  • Hon Phil Twyford
Urban Development

Legislation to transform our urban areas and create sustainable, inclusive and thriving communities was passed today, Urban Development Minister Phil Twyford said.

“The Urban Development Bill gives Kāinga Ora-Homes and Communities the tools it needs to build homes at scale and pace by bringing together councils, communities, mana whenua and private developers. It will lead projects that will transform communities all around New Zealand, and provide much-needed housing and infrastructure.

“Our Government wants to create thriving and diverse new communities which have a mix of state, affordable and market housing, good transport connections and great shared open spaces and parks. These will be places where people love to live, work and play.

“But right now our cities are struggling to undertake the developments needed to build these communities. Barriers include poorly coordinated decision-making, restrictive planning, a lack of substantial land parcels, infrastructure and funding.

“The Bill is designed to address these barriers. It makes Kāinga Ora a one stop shop that can establish specified development projects which allow all the key decisions on funding, infrastructure and planning to be made up front, providing greater certainty for developers and investors.

“Specified development projects are designed to be flexible. They can be led by Kāinga Ora alone, in partnership with others, or by others such as councils, iwi and private developers. 

“Careful consideration has been given to ensuring the Bill actively protects Māori interests, and has appropriate environmental, cultural and heritage protections. The Bill also provides opportunities for the general public to provide feedback on specified development projects, so they can be shaped to meet their expectations. 

“This Bill is an important step in ensuring all New Zealanders can live in well-connected communities that provide the housing options, jobs, green spaces, shops and community facilities they need to thrive,” Phil Twyford said.

For more information on the Urban Development Bill visit the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development website:  https://www.hud.govt.nz/urban-development/