Joint neurological service for Waikato and Auckland

  • Annette King

Health Minister Annette King says Waikato Hospital will share a one service, two-site neurosurgical service with Auckland, using resources from Auckland's neurosurgical unit to help Waikato people get neurosurgery closer to home.

"The Waikato case has been carefully considered, and the decision to have one service across two sites meets both clinical and financial criteria,” Ms King says. “I'm pleased this decision to give the go-ahead is such a positive one for Waikato people, who will not have to travel north for neurosurgery.

“I undertook to make a decision by Christmas. The Ministry of Health and Auckland and Waikato District Health Boards have worked very hard on a number of complex issues, and I believe the decision is a good one.

"By running the unit as a joint service between the two DHBs, it means the right balance can be provided between meeting the needs of people in Waikato, and maintaining the clinical viability of a neurosurgical unit," she said.

Ms King said the two DHBs and the Ministry would work together next year on the
logistics of setting up the Waikato service, including its initial configuration and the timeframe for its introduction.

For more information, contact John Harvey (04) 471 9305.