Join the one in a million reo Māori moment
Māori DevelopmentNew Zealanders across the country are set to mark history as part of the Māori Language Week commemorations led by Te Taura Whiri i te reo Māori this year.
Māori Development Minister, Nanaia Mahuta says the initiative will mark history for all the right reasons including making te reo Māori more accessible for all New Zealanders.
“With large gatherings like language parades suspended due to COVID-19, having an alternative virtual celebration of te reo Māori is an exciting new way to be involved and mark the occasion.
“Regardless of where you are on the learning spectrum, this is one of the many initiatives that every New Zealander can participate in using the language and being more confident and comfortable with te reo Māori in your own environment.”
Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori, the Māori Language Moment will be held at 12pm today: marking the moment the Māori Language Petition was presented to parliament in 1972.
International Zoom experts have been brought on to support the development of Zui across the motu to support the Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori, the Māori Language moment.
“With an estimated 200,000 people already signed up, and more joining every day, it’s a signal that attitudes towards te reo Māori are changing,” says Minister Mahuta.
“This Government is committed to recognising tikanga, mātauranga and te reo Māori as part of New Zealand’s national identity - it is what makes us unique. Making New Zealand history compulsory in schools, support for Te Pūtake o te Riri and initiatives like this demonstrates this commitment to strengthening as a country.
“At the end of the day though it will require all New Zealanders to work together to be able to maintain the momentum for te reo Māori so that we keep the legacy for future generations of New Zealanders to come,” says Minister Mahuta.
Editor’s Note:
Maihi Karauna the Government’s strategy has a broad goal of achieving 1 million speakers by 2040. Essential to this is growing a critical mass of New Zealanders with basic te reo skills with the confidence to use te reo Māori.
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Whakapiri mai ki te wā reo Māori kotahi i te miriona
Kua takatū a Aotearoa whānui puta noa i ngā motu kia ekea te pae tawhiti i roto i ngā tūāhuatanga whakanui i Te Wiki o te Reo Māori he mahi tātaki i tēnei tau i Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori.
E kī ana Te Minita Whanaketanga Māori, a Nanaia Mahuta ka noho te tūmahi nei hei tohu i ngā tāhuhu kōrero o Aotearoa mō te hia nei ngā take, tae atu ki te whakawhānuitanga ake o te whai wāhitanga mai ki te reo Māori mō ngā tāngata katoa o Aotearoa.
“I runga i te āhuatanga ki te KOWHEORI-19, me te hikinga o ngā tū hui nui pēnā i ngā hīkoi whakanui i te reo Māori, he rawe rawa atu kua whai whakanuitanga i te reo Māori mariko i tua atu, ka mutu pea te pai o tēnei ara kia whai wāhi mai ai te tangata ki te whakanui i tēnei wā.
“Ahakoa te taumata o tō reo, ko tētahi o ngā tini mahi tēnei e āhei ai te whai wāhitanga mai o ia tangata, o ia tangata o Aotearoa ki te kōrerotanga o te reo, kia piki ai te māia o te tangata, kia hāneanea anō tōna noho ki te reo Māori i tōna ake taiao.”
Ka tū Te Wā Reo Māori hei te 12pm 14 Mahuru: e tohu ana te wā i whakatakotoria Te Petihana Reo Māori ki mua ki te aroaro o te karauna ki te paremata i te tau 1972.
Kua karahui mai ngā tohunga Zoom nō tāwāhi hei tautoko i te whanaketanga o ngā Zui puta noa i ngā motu hei tautoko i Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori.
“I runga i te whakapae kua whakapiri kē mai te 200,000 tāngata, me te tini anō e honohono mai ana, he tohu tēnei kua huri ngā waiaro ki te reo Māori te kī a Minita Mahuta.
“Kua oati kē te kupu ngākaunui a tēnei Kāwanatanga kua tuia te tikanga, te mātauranga me te reo Māori ki roto i te tukutuku ā-motu o Aotearoa – koia tērā te take kua ahurei tātou. Mā te whakapūmau i te noho o te tāhuhu kōrero o Aotearoa ki roto i ngā kura, te tautoko i Te Pūtake o te Riri, me ngā tūāhuatanga pēnei nā, he mea whakaatu i taua ngākaunui ki te whakapakaritanga kotahitanga o tēnei whenua.
“Ka mutu, mā te mahi ngātahi o ngā tāngata katoa o Aotearoa ki te hāpai tonu i te hiringa o te reo Māori ka noho tonu mai hei taonga tuku iho mā ngā whakatipuranga o Aotearoa hei ngā tau e tū mai nei,” e kī nei a Minita Mahuta.
Ngā Taipitopito a te Etita:
He whāinga whānui tā te rautaki a Te Kāwanatanga, Te Maihi Karauna, o te kotahi miriona kaikōrero hei te tau 2040. Ka mutu, he mea nui te whakapikinga o te tangata kōrero Māori, ahakoa iti te reo, he māia tonu ki te whakamahi i te reo Māori.
Mō ētahi atu kōrero me haere ki: