International experts excited by Communities of Learning
EducationEducation Minister Hekia Parata is travelling back from the United Kingdom after sharing New Zealand’s Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako with experts from around the world.
Ms Parata spent five days meeting with leaders, researchers and practitioners in London and Scotland. She also led a New Zealand delegation at the 7th International Summit on the Teaching Profession (ISTP) in Edinburgh.
“The Summit was an opportunity to talk with experts from around the world about their efforts to reduce inequities in education,” says Ms Parata.
“They were especially interested to hear about our Kāhui Ako, which see early learning providers, schools and tertiary providers coming together to share expertise and resources to raise student achievement.”
“We took a varied and experienced delegation from New Zealand to the Summit, including representatives of the Education council, and the presidents of the NZPF, NZEI and PPTA.
The delegation made a commitment at the summit to work together to explore how we can create more time for quality teaching preparation through the rearrangement of time, space and people to ensure better learning outcomes for our young people.
“It is always so valuable to see what other countries are doing in their education systems, to appreciate what is happening here at home as well as where lessons can be learned and practices adopted.”