Immunisation A Priority

  • Wyatt Creech

The Minister of Health today reconfirmed the Government's commitment to lifting the country's overall immunisation levels.

"During the select committee today I reiterated the Government has a health target of ensuring 95% of children are fully immunised by the time they turn two. The target is clear, and a range of initiatives are in place to get there but more work needs to be done.

"Immunisation prevents disease and this Government is a staunch advocate of keeping people fit and healthy and well.

"Labour's claims that the Government has no commitment to immunisation, or no targets are laughable. It's just another desperate attempt by Labour to criticise and complain without coming up with any solutions.

"Far from being ignored, the 1994 Public Health Commission report was invaluable in forming the basis of the National Immunisation Strategy," Mr Creech said.

The National Immunisation Strategy has five key components which will help meet the immunisation target.

1. Simplifying the childhood immunisation schedule from eight visits down to five. 2. Improving the quality and standards of services. 3. Local co-ordination to get local communities the right access to services and immunisation. 4. Reliable immunisation coverage information. 5. Immunisation Certificates - requiring parents to obtain immunisation certificates for entry to school/early childhood centres.

"More home visits for target groups, better education, free doctors visits for under 6 year olds is also helping us work towards the 95% immunisation targets. We do need better information about coverage rates to help identify those children who are missing out. The Health Funding Authority and the Ministry of Health are working to improve the information. Once that happens we will be in a better position to identify where more work and more programmes are needed," Mr Creech said.