Hineuru settlement legislation passed

  • Christopher Finlayson
Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations

The House of Representatives sat through extended sitting hours this morning to pass the Hineuru Claims Settlement Bill through its third reading.

“The Hineuru Claims Settlement Act will give effect to the full and final settlement of Hineuru’s historical Treaty of Waitangi claims,” Mr Finlayson said.

“The Hineuru settlement includes financial and commercial redress of $25 million, a $2 million fund for cultural development and the return of a number of sites of cultural significance to the iwi.

“Today marks the end of a long journey to settlement for Hineuru. This settlement will enable Hineuru to build a stronger future for their people and begin a new relationship with the Crown.”

The House also passed the Ngāruahine Claims Settlement Bill through its second reading today.

Copies of the legislation are available at www.legislation.govt.nz and copies of the deeds of settlement are available at www.govt.nz/treaty-settlement-documents.