Government launches review of the Copyright Act 1994

  • Jacqui Dean
Commerce and Consumer Affairs

Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Jacqui Dean has today released the terms of reference for a review of the Copyright Act 1994.

“Copyright affects how people create, distribute and access information,” Ms Dean says.

“It is important we ensure our copyright regime is fit for purpose in today’s rapidly changing technological environment.

“Launching a review now will also build on the insights of the Government’s Study of the role of copyright and designs in the creative sector, completed last year.

“The Study highlighted a range of opportunities and challenges faced by users, creators and owners of digital content. This review will look into these opportunities and challenges to ensure we have the right settings in New Zealand.”

The terms of reference provide an outline of the objectives, context and process for the review and will be further refined with industry feedback on an issues paper.

“I want stakeholders to get involved in the early stages of the review. In the coming months we will develop the issues paper and will be looking to engage with the wider industry,” Ms Dean says.

The terms of reference and further information on the review and Study are available on the MBIE website: