Getting infrastructure for housing underway

  • Hon Dr Megan Woods

Eight shovel-ready projects within Kāinga Ora large-scale developments, and the Unitec residential development in Auckland have been given the go-ahead, Minister for Housing Dr Megan Woods announced today.

Megan Woods says these significant infrastructure upgrades will ensure that the provision of homes in Auckland can continue apace.

“The funding announced today will have far-reaching benefits beyond the improvements to Auckland’s ageing infrastructure, including more jobs, and critical upgrades to support the construction of more homes.”

“The work will provide much needed direct employment and economic stimulus, and support housing, community and environmental outcomes. The Unitec project alone is estimated to create 250 jobs while the Auckland Council estimates over 400 jobs may be created in the other projects,” Megan Woods said.

A total of more than $188 million will be invested in seven infrastructure projects across Kāinga Ora developments at Northcote, Roskill, Mangere, and Tāmaki; and $75 million invested into the Unitec residential development project to speed up and expand infrastructure upgrades and development.

The shovel-ready projects earmarked for funding are being delivered in partnership between Kāinga Ora, and Auckland Council and its Council-Controlled Organisations; and the Unitec residential development, which is being delivered by the Rōpū of Marutūāhu, Ngāti Whātua and Waiohua-Tāmaki in partnership with the Crown.

Project detail

Mangere Priority Wastewater Upgrades

$25m for upgrades to the wastewater networks and pipes throughout Mangere development areas, delivered in conjunction with Watercare.

Tāmaki stormwater and park upgrade bundle

$11m for the delivery of additional capacity in the stormwater network, a programme of work identified and collaboratively compiledby Auckland Council Parks, Healthy Waters, Tāmaki Regeneration Company, and Kāinga Ora. The upgrade will address flooding issues across the Tāmaki precinct and unlock the provision of additional new homes.

Tāmaki wastewater upgrade

$25m for Kāinga Ora Tāmaki Priority Wastewater upgrades project. This will support infrastructure necessary to enable Kāinga Ora to provide additional social housing.

Northcote Development Stormwater Trunk Provision

$13m for the provision of a stormwater drainage network upgrade and attenuation area to address flooding issues in Northcote, delivered in conjunction with Auckland Council - Healthy Waters.

Roskill South housing infrastructure bundle – Roskill Development

$10m for the provision of intersection improvements and upgrades to wetlands and floodwall delivered in conjunction with Auckland Transport.

Ōwairaka Stormwater Network Provision – Roskill Development

$31m for the provision of a major upgrade to the stormwater network at Ōwairaka, involving the separation of wastewater and stormwater, and installation of new stormwater pipes. Delivered in conjunction with Auckland Council – Healthy Waters.

Mt Roskill Priority Water and Wastewater Upgrades

$65m for the delivery of new and upgraded bulk and large diameter local water and wastewater infrastructure, network and and pipe upgrades to cater for the Ōwairaka, Wesley and Roskill South neighbourhoods in Roskill Development areas, delivered in conjunction with Watercare.

Unitec Water, Buildings and Roading

$75m will go towards replacing the existing infrastructure networks (storm water, sewage, drinking water, roading) and also allow us to start upgrading the community assets (buildings and parks) required to support the residential development on the site, which is being delivered by the Rōpū of Marutūāhu, Ngāti Whātua and Waiohua-Tāmaki in partnership with the Crown.

Notes on funding

All approvals are in principle and subject to contract negotiations. Investment values are also subject to change. The total investment amount includes $8m in contingency funds.

The IRG investments will help kick-start the post-COVID rebuild by creating more than 20,000 jobs and unlocking more than $5 billion of projects up and down New Zealand. They are in addition to the $12 billion New Zealand Upgrade Programme and existing Provincial Growth Fund investments.

Notes on Unitec residential development

The Crown holds 26.5 hectares of land in Mt Albert, Auckland, for residential development, adjacent to the Unitec Institute of Technology campus, and is in negotiations to acquire a further 9.3 hectares.

The Unitec site was identified in the Auckland Unitary Plan as a future urban village, with the planning provisions enabling a master-planned, medium to high-density residential development.

The development will combine innovative, high-quality urban design, integrate iwi identity and cultural values, and the site’s natural, ecological and built heritage. It will also contribute to Auckland Council’s aspiration for a quality, compact city, with improved pedestrian and cycle connections part of planned infrastructure upgrades. 

For more information on the Unitec residential development visit the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development website.