Feasibility Study On Correspondence School/ Open Polytechnic Amalgamation

  • Nick Smith

Education Minister Nick Smith today announced the establishment of a working party between the Ministry of Education, The Correspondence School and the Open Polytechnic to explore the option of an amalgamation of the two institutions.

"Changes in technology and in the makeup of students has had a marked impact on both institutions and it is timely that we explore whether there are benefits for students in the two institutions coming together. The focus of the feasibility study will be on enhancing the delivery of distance learning in New Zealand."

The work is to commence immediately and Dr Smith expects an initial report in August. The working party is to include equal representation from the Ministry of Education, The Correspondence School and the Open Polytechnic.

"The Correspondence School and the Open Polytechnic each have their own expertise in distance learning. The challenges of new information technologies like email and the Internet are similar for both institutions and there is clear potential for synergies and economies of scale in utilising this technology. The student populations of the two institutions have also changed dramatically with the Open Polytechnic moving away from just trades training and The Correspondence School from catering for just remote school aged pupils."

"The terms of reference of the feasibility study will make plain the Government's commitment to ensure that every New Zealander, regardless of geography, has access to a quality education. Careful consideration also needs to be given to ensuring parents of school aged pupils have an ongoing role in their children's education. There are no pre-determined conclusions and the purpose is to explore possible ways of providing improved open learning services"

Edwin Pitts, Chair of The Correspondence School Board says that his Board unanimously supports the invitation from Dr Smith for both governing bodies to enter into such an exploration. "We are heartened by the Minister's commitment, that this exploration will be predicated on improved quality of service to students."

Open Polytechnic Chief Executive Shona Butterfield says she welcomes a planned evaluation of closer links between her institution and The Correspondence School. Ms Butterfield says the Polytechnic's Council is very supportive of the move. "There is an obvious fit between our two institutions, and we enjoy the relationship we already have with The Correspondence School. But only a thorough evaluation of this type will show whether we should work together more closely or pursue our own initiatives elsewhere."