Family Violence coordination gets support
Housing Social DevelopmentThe Government is extending the funding for Family Violence Response Coordination (FVRC) says Social Development Minister Paula Bennett.
“We’ve decided to extend the funding for a further two years from 2013/14 to 2014/15 as existing funding of $2.8m per year was time-limited and due to end at the end of 2012/13,” says Mrs Bennett.
FVRC funds more than 30 local family violence networks, working with more than 1,000 local agencies to undertake family violence prevention activities.
Funding supports network coordinators to help agencies work together more effectively.
“Networks mobilise communities to take action and address family violence.”
“They help ensure a coordinated response to family violence as well as improving services through training and good practice for organisations in the sector,” says Mrs Bennett.
They also build relationships within and outside of the family violence sector and support community leadership to prevent family violence.
“There is also an important role here to work with the media and partner with sports groups, marae, neighbourhood groups, schools, businesses, and churches to increase understanding of family violence and how to prevent it.”
Officials will report to the Minister of Finance and Minister of Social Development by October 2014 on whether services delivered through this initiative can be delivered through the Vulnerable Children work programme and/or through Investing in Services for Outcomes.