Extra funding for 92 budgeting providers
Social DevelopmentSocial Development Minister Paula Bennett is pleased to announce 92 organisations providing budgeting support and advice will soon receive extra funding.
“As part of Budget 2013 I announced $1.5 million extra was being provided to assist the work of Budgeting Services, in addition to $8.9 million in Government funding in 2012/13,” says Mrs Bennett.
“We’ve targeted funding towards organisations who demonstrated the greatest need, and those who are facing a high demand for their services.”
The successful recipients have now been informed, with 92 organisations across the country to receive grants ranging from $5,000 to $45,000.
Two organisations, the Salvation Army New Zealand Trust and the New Zealand Federation of Family Budget Services Incorporated, received larger grants.
“Budgeting services play an important role in the community by helping people on low incomes manage their finances and avoid getting into debt,” says Mrs Bennett.
“This funding will help relieve pressures in the short-term, while a strategic review of the funding model for Budget Services takes place this year.”
A full list of successful applicants is available on the Family and Community Services website: www.familyservices.govt.nz