Extension for teacher registration targets

  • Anne Tolley

The timeframe for achieving the 80 per cent teacher registration target in teacher-led, centre-based Early Childhood Education (ECE) services has been extended to 2012, Education Minister Anne Tolley has announced.

"The significant growth in the number of teacher-led ECE centres in recent years has led to an increase in demand for qualified and registered teachers," says Mrs Tolley.

"Ministry data indicates that the target of 80 per cent registered teachers by 2010, set by the previous government, is not achievable and that 2012 is more realistic. It's estimated that over 1000 centre-based services would be at risk if they have to reach the 80 per cent target by next year.

"I am confident that pushing out the timeframe will reduce the immediate pressure on teacher-led, centre-based ECE services, while easing the demand for registered teachers in the short-term."

Currently 50 per cent of staff in teacher-led, centre-based ECE services must have a recognised ECE teaching qualification. On average, 61 per cent of the ECE workforce is qualified.

"This decision will help maintain high standards in early childhood education, as we prepare children for lifelong learning, engage whānau in education and give parents the confidence to use ECE," says Mrs Tolley.