English Wrong Again

  • Mark Gosche

National Party leader Bill English has got his facts wrong once again, says Transport Minister Mark Gosche.

Mr English claims that any land transport funds not spent at the end of this year will go back into the consolidated fund.

“That is completely wrong. That money, plus any interest, continues to be available for land transport this year or in future years.

“That’s set down by law – something the former Minister of Finance should know.

“Bill English should let his Transport spokesperson speak occasionally. She might know what she is talking about.

It’s important to remember that large projects need careful planning, so a long term approach to how much money is available is much more useful than talking just about any one year in isolation.

“That’s one of the key components of new land transport package – a greater focus on long term decision making so we can get a sensible, balanced approach to spending.

“Mr English also says we should be speeding up the consent process but the only way to short circuit the Resource Management Act process is to cut people out of it. He forgets that it was National’s under funding of the Environment Court that created the backlog of cases. This government is tackling that backlog by putting an extra $2.1 million into the Court, and appointing two extra judges. “