Delamere Welcomes Constructive Debate On Drug Pricing

  • John Delamare
Associate Minister of Health

Associate Health Minister, Hon Tuariki Delamere, has welcomed the constructive debate on pharmaceutical drug subsidy policy that emerged from yesterday's meeting between the Government health funding agencies and pharmaceutical companies.

The hui, chaired by Mr Delamere, was held at Tapu Te Ranga Marae in Wellington and was attended by representatives of the Health Funding Authority, PHARMAC, Professor Peter Davis from the Christchurch School of Medicine, the Researched Medicines Institute and the drug companies.

The intention of the meeting was to allow all sides to outline their views on what constitutes innovation in pharmaceutical drug research and production; and to explore ideas on how these innovative drugs should be funded.

"Given that the funding agencies are trying to restrain the rapid growth in the national spending on pharmaceutical drugs while the companies are seeking to maximize their return on research and development of these drugs. I never expected the meeting to reach unified conclusions," said Mr Delamere.

"But I am certain that all parties to the debate now have a very clear idea of each other's perspectives and I was impressed with the very civil and constructive manner in which the discussion was held.

"I wish to particularly note the very positive and helpful contribution from Dr Peter Davis. His independent views as a highly respected health professional were a significant addition to the debate," said the Minister.