Data protection for agricultural products to be enhanced
Food SafetyFood Safety Minister Jo Goodhew today welcomed the introduction of a Bill to increase the data protection period for companies registering agricultural compounds and veterinary medicines in New Zealand.
“Access to the latest technologies and effective agricultural chemicals is essential for New Zealand’s primary industries,” says Mrs Goodhew. “We need these products to manage plant and animal pests and keep farm animals healthy.
“The New Zealand market is a small one, and suppliers need time to recover their product development costs before their data can be accessed by competitors wanting to register competing products. This Bill will encourage overseas suppliers to register new products and new uses for existing products in New Zealand.”
All agricultural compounds used in New Zealand must be registered under the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997, and research and scientific data must accompany the application to prove the product’s safety and effectiveness. This data is currently protected under the Act for five years.
“Today we took our first step to increase the period of protection for this data,” says Mrs Goodhew.
“The Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Amendment Bill 2015 will extend data protection for innovative products from five years to up to eight years, and will introduce a three-year data protection period for non-innovative products.”
Products classed as ‘innovative’ contain an active ingredient that hasn’t previously been registered. ‘Non-innovative products contain a registered active ingredient.
The Bill follows extensive consultation with product suppliers, and primary industry sectors who are keen to see data protection extended.
“This extension to data protection laws will help increase the availability of products needed by our primary industries, whilst still allowing for robust competition in the New Zealand marketplace.”
The Bill will be referred to the Primary Production Committee, which will call for public submissions.